Windows IT Pro
The Windows IT Pro community is the heartbeat of the Windows IT world—a gathering of people, content and resources focused on Microsoft Windows technologies and applications. It’s a “community” in every sense, bringing an independent, uncensored voice to IT managers, network and systems administrators, developers, systems analysts, CIOs, CTOs, and other technologists at companies worldwide.

The Windows IT Pro community is marked by its depth of editorial content and an inclusive structure that allows IT professionals to interact with colleagues, technical experts, analysts, and other thought-leaders. IT professionals get objective, “direct from the trenches” information regarding Microsoft’s latest Windows-based solutions, including what works and what doesn’t, what costs too much, what bugs to look for, what upgrades are in the pipe, where to find work-arounds and patches, which service providers perform at a high level, and countless other essential insights for keeping business-critical Microsoft applications up and running.
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