Tecumseh Group, Inc. is an independent forum management company. Through the TipMaster (http://www.tipmaster.com) web site, professionals of all types can participate in discussions with others in their specific areas of expertise.
TipMaster's professional communities provide a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL "public knowledge system" for various groups of professionals. Our "public Intranets" permit collaboration on the various communities most pressing and complex issues while building a searchable database. To learn about the company behind TipMaster view the Administration page (http://www.tecumsehgroup.com/administration.htm) for site procedures and general information.
Our goal at Tecumseh Group is to put people of like mind together. We give people the opportunity to discuss real world issues in a non-threatening, non-commercial atmosphere. The members of our forums have a right to communicate free of commercialism, and we at Tecumseh Group stand ready to vigorously defend that right. With the help of our members using the "Red Flag" utility found in our TipMaster forums, we can accomplish this goal
