Bleeping Computer
Bleeping Computer ® is a self-education tool for the novice user to learn basic concepts about Computer Technology. Our focus is to allow the novice computer user to be able to have a place that they can come and discuss computer/technology problems with their peers and at the same time have a rich resource in which to learn the "basics" about computers and technology.
We have found, with our extensive experience in helping users, whether they be family, friends, coworkers, or clients, that most problems lie not with the computer, but with the fact that the user does not know the "basic concepts" that underlie all issues of computing. These concepts include hardware, files and folders, operating systems, Internet, and applications. Once a user learns the basic concepts of these categories they will be able to express what problems they are having in a more understandable manner, making it easier to be helped by a more experienced user.
The basic concepts of computer technology do not only apply themselves towards fixing problems, but also to every day life. In today's age, computers are here to stay and are only going to be incorporated into our daily life more and more as time goes on. Understanding the basic concepts will allow you to communicate more intelligently about your computer and technology needs and allow you to use your equipment more efficiently.
This site is not geared towards any specific type of user. You will find that the knowledge of the basic concepts will allow you to communicate much more clearly whether or not you are an employer looking to describe the problems you are having to your computer consultant, to discussing with peers the latest and greatest things you are doing with your computer, or to going into a computer store and buying a new add-on or computer.
There is no reason why anyone cannot be knowledgeable about the technology that they use every day and to not feel intimidated by it. With the understanding of what you use and buy, you will find that you save money, have less headaches, and do not feel intimidated when speaking to people who may be more knowledgeable than you.
Our goal, is to turn your #$@!* computer that never does what you want it to do, to one that you praise as a well tamed tool.
